Lamb, Prune and Almond Tagine

A Tagine is a shallow, glazed earthenware pot with a tall conical lid. But you can use any tight-fitting casserole dish.


900 ml stock

300 g prunes

1 tbsp paprika

1 tbsp ground turmeric  

2 tbsp cumin seeds 

2 tbsp chili powder

4 cinnamon sticks  

4 bay leaves

2 tsp coriander seeds

5 large cloves garlic

50 g ground almonds

6 tbsp olive oil

1.4 kg lamb leg steaks

12 shallots

75 g clarified butter

1 tbsp honey

2 large onions, chopped finely

toasted almonds

1 carrot, chopped roughly

chopped parsley

salt and pepper

Blend together the coriander, cumin, chilli powder, paprika, turmeric, garlic and 4 tbsp oil. Coat the steaks with the paste and cover and chill for at least 5 hours or overnight.


In a large casserole, melt the butter, add the onions and carrot and cook till soft, then remove and fry the lamb on each side.


Add a little stock and bring to the boil, scraping up the sediment from the bottom. Return the onion and carrot and add 100 g of prunes. Add remaining stock with the cinnamon, bay leaves and almonds; season. Cover and cook at 170º C for 2 hours until the meat is really tender. 


Meanwhile fry the shallots in the rest of the oil and honey until a deep golden brown. Add to the casserole 30 – 40 mins before the end of the cooking time. Take the lamb out of the sauce and put to one side. Bring the sauce to the boil, bubble and reduce to a thick consistency. Return the lamb to the casserole, add the remaining prunes and bubble for 3 – 4 mins. Garnish with almonds and parsley.


Clarified butter, otherwise known as ghee, can be cooked at a higher heat than fresh butter as it has no milk solids and won’t burn as easily. 


To make: Melt butter in a small pan and heat gently without allowing it to colour. Skim off the foam as it rises to the top, leaving the milk solids to sink to the bottom. Pour the clear butter into a bowl through a sieve lined with kitchen paper. Allow to settle for 10 mins then pour into another bowl, leaving any sediment behind. Cool, then store in a jar in the fridge for up to six months.

